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DBLP – Computer Science Bibliography : here
International Journals:
- D. S. Nugroho, I. Ardiyanto, A. I. Cahyadi, “Real Time Monocular Visual Odometry Using Hybrid Features and Distance Ratio for Scale Estimation”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT), 2018. (To Appear, Q2 Scimago)
- I. Ardiyanto, S. Wibirama, F. Nurwanto, “Sliding Variance and Data Range for Lightweight Sports Activity Recognition with Fusion of Modalities”, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, 2018. (To Appear, Q2 Scimago)
- I. Ardiyanto, T. B. Adji, D. A. Asmaraman, “On Comprehensive Analysis of Learning Algorithms on Pedestrian Detection Using Shape Features”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, 2018. (To Appear, IF 2018: 1.426)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Time-space Viewpoint Planning for Guard Robot with Chance Constraint”, International Journal of Automation and Computing (IJAC), Springer, 2018. (To Appear, Q2 Scimago)
- H. A. Nugroho, A. Darojatun, I. Ardiyanto, R. L. B. Buana, “Classification of Plasmodium Malariae and Plasmodium Ovale in Microscopic Thin Blood Smear Digital Images”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT), 2018. (To Appear, Q2 Scimago)
- I. Ardiyanto, “Spatio-temporal Human Motion Estimation Using Dynamic Conditional Random Field”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 747-755, 2018. (Q1 Scimago, ISSN: 1349-4198)
- H.H. Triharminto, O. Wahyunggoro, T.B. Adji, A.I. Cahyadi, I. Ardiyanto, Iswanto, “Local Information using Stereo Camera in Artificial Potential Field based Path Planning”, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 316-326, 2017. (Q2 Scimago)
- H. A. Nugroho, Y. Triyani, M. Rahmawaty, I. Ardiyanto, “Computer Aided Diagnosis using Margin and Posterior Acoustic Features for Breast Ultrasound Images”, TELKOMNIKA, vol. 15, no. 5, 2017.
- I. Ardiyanto, T.B. Adji, “Deep Residual Coalesced Convolutional Network for Efficient Semantic Road Segmentation”, IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications (IPSJ-CVA), vol. 9:6, Springer, 2017. (Invited paper of MVA 2017, ISSN: 1882-6695)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Generalized Coverage Solver Using Hybrid Evolutionary Optimization”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 921-940, 2017. (Q1 Scimago, ISSN: 1349-4198)
- F.A. Wenando, T.B. Adji, I. Ardiyanto, “Text Classification To Detect Student Level of Understanding In Prior Knowledge Activation Process”, Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 33(3). pp. 2285-2287, 2017. (ISSN: 1936-6612)
- H.H. Triharminto, O. Wahyunggoro, T.B. Adji, A.I. Cahyadi, I. Ardiyanto, “A Novel of Repulsive Function on Artificial Potential Field for Robot Path Planning”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), vol. 6(6), 2016.
- R.A. Aras, T. Lestari, H.A. Nugroho, I. Ardiyanto, “Segmentation of retinal blood vessels for detection of diabetic retinopathy: A review”, Communications in Science and Technology, vol. 1(1), pp. 27-32, 2016. (ISSN: 2502-9258 (print), 2502-9266 (online))
- I. Ardiyanto, “Geometric Model For Human Body Orientation Classification”, Communication and Information Technology Journal, vol. 9(1), pp. 29-33, 2015. (ISSN: 1979-2484 (print), 2460-7010 (online))
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Partial Least Squares-based Human Upper Body Orientation Estimation with Combined Detection and Tracking“, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 32(11), pp. 904-915, Elsevier, 2014. (Q1 Scimagojr)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Real-time Navigation using Randomized Kinodynamic Planning with Arrival Time Field“, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 60(12), pp. 1579-1591, Elsevier, 2012. (Q1 Scimagojr) [download#1]
Selected International Conferences: (full-list can be seen here)
- I. Ardiyanto, H. A. Nugroho, R. L. B. Buana, “Deep Learning-based Diabetic Retinopathy Assessment on Embedded System”, The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC 2017), pp. 1760-1763, Jeju Island, South Korea, 2017.
- I. Ardiyanto, T.B. Adji, “Deep Residual Coalesced Convolutional Network for Efficient Semantic Road Segmentation”, The 15th IAPR Conf. on Machine Vision and Application (MVA 2017), 2017. (To Appear)
- M. Shimizu, K. Koide, I. Ardiyanto, J. Miura, S. Oishi, “LIDAR-based Body Orientation Estimation by Integrating Shape and Motion Information”, Proc. 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2016), December 2016. (To Appear)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Human Motion Prediction Considering Environmental Context“, The 14th IAPR Conf. on Machine Vision and Application (MVA 2015), pp. 390-393, Tokyo, May 2015. [download#12]
- I. Ardiyanto, J. Satake, and J. Miura, “Autonomous Monitoring Framework with Fallen Person Pose Estimation and Vital Sign Detection“, Proc. 2014 The 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE 2014), pp. 1-6, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 2014. [download#11] (Best Paper Award – Software Engineering, Services, and Information Technology)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Cameraman Robot: Dynamic Trajectory Tracking with Final Time Constraint using State-time Space Stochastic Approach“, Proc. 2014 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), pp. 3108-3115, Chicago, USA, September 2014. [download#10]
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura,”Visibility-based Viewpoint Planning for Guard Robot using Skeletonization and Geodesic Motion Model“, Proc. 2013 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013), pp. 652-658, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2013. [download#7] (Best Service Robotics Paper Award – Finalist)
- I. Ardiyanto, Y. Okada, and J. Miura, “RT Components for using MORSE Realistic Simulator for Robotics“, The 13th SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference, pp. 535-538, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec. 2012. [download#2] (Panasonic Award for universal design and eco-friendly)
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “3D Time-space Path Planning Algorithm in Dynamic Environment Utilizing Arrival Time Field and Heuristically Randomized Tree“, Proc. 2012 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2012), pp. 187-192, St. Paul, Minneapolis, USA, May 2012. [download#3]
- I. Ardiyanto and J. Miura, “Heuristically Arrival Time Field-Biased (HeAT) Random Tree: An Online Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot Considering Kinodynamic Constraints“, Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2011), pp. 360-365, Phuket, Thailand, Dec. 2011. [download#4]
- I. Ardiyanto, “Task Oriented Behavior-Based State-Adaptive PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) Control for Low-Cost Mobile Robot”. Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Engineering and Application (ICCEA 2010), pp. 103-107, Bali, Indonesia, March 2010. [download#6]